
At Grupo Herdez, we are committed to the social and environmental needs of the places where we operate, and we seek for our programs and projects to be increasingly aimed towards a sustainability vision.

Since 2012, we have been committed to the corporate responsibility initiative of the United Nations Global Compact and its principles. Our strategy is aligned with 7 Sustainable Development Goals, in order to contribute positively to the commitments of the 2030 Agenda, proposed by the ONU.

Our pillars

We are very proud to have a renewed and transformed Sustainability Strategy to add to the United Nations 2030 Agenda, adopting 6 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) grouped into three pillars: People, Community and Planet.

With this strategy, we seek to strengthen the purpose of our company and brands, by working for the rights of everyone, the development of communities and betting on a more sustainable world.

2023 Results

We invest 2.4% of consolidated net income in social programs

At Fundación Herdez®, we donated 1,923.72 tons of food

98.1% of our waste is recyclable

2.15 m3/Tn produced intensity of water consumption

We triple the collection of post-consumer waste vs. 2022

1,830 hectares of agricultural crops impacted with the PASyR



For the purpose of maximizing value creation for our reports, and the incorporation of the findings of our sustainability strategy, we present our Materiality Analysis.

We identify the key and relevant issues for Grupo Herdez on social, environmental, and governance matters, based on the expectations and concerns of our main stakeholders:

  • Shareholders
  • Customers
  • Consumers
  • Collaborators
  • Suppliers

Critical Topics:

  1. Health, safety, and wellbeing of the consumer
  2. Reputation and confidence in our brands
  3. Innovation (products and processes)
  4. Sustainable canning and packaging; reuse and recycling

Strategic Topics

  1. Profitable market growth; financial sustainability
  2. Water management
  3. Efficient energy use
  4. Ethics and anti-corruption practices
  5. Workplace health, safety, and well-being
  6. Working conditions and relationships
  7. Quality assurance in the supply chain
  8. Transparency in the labeling and information on products
  9. Training and career development
  10. Legal compliance
  11. Consumer experience

Update date: October 2019


15 years

Last update: February 2023

Last update: February 2023

Last update: February 2023



In 2021, Grupo Herdez received a rating of AA (on a AAA-CCC scale) from MSCI ESG Ratings.

Forests: D
Wood products: C
Palm oil: C
Soy: C
Water: C
Climate change: C


GEI Score 73.18

Last update: May 2022.

Last update: December 2022.

Last update: September 2022.

Last update: January 2023.

Bonus linked to sustainability

Sustainability –
linked bond framework
Second opinion
granted by Moody’s (SPO)



  • 2020: In collaboration with La Costeña® and Sanfer®, we delivered 35,000 basic food baskets to benefit more than 175,000 Mexicans affected by the COVID-19 health contingency.

    We launched the first edition of Semillero Nutrisa®, a program to support Mexican women entrepreneurs to participate in a training and business development program.

  • 2021: We became the first consumer company in Latin America to partner with Google, a global technology giant, to accelerate our digital transformation. 

    We signed an agreement with the American company General Mills® to distribute their products in Mexico, with which we entered the categories of cereal bars and prepared dessert flours.

    We celebrated the 80th anniversary of Doña María® mole with the inauguration of Casa Doña María Pons, headquarters of Fundación Herdez® in San Luis Potosí.

    We were placed in the report “Mexican Companies for the 2030 Agenda in the Decade of Action” of the Global Compact, for the actions of the Saber Nutrir® program as a reference practice to achieve Zero Hunger, one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.

  • 2022: We acquired Interdeli and Deli, Dips & Snacks, expanding our capabilities to new categories such as hummus, cheeses, and dips, integrating brands such as Libanius, Flaveur, Liguria, and Señor Cactus into our portfolio.

    For the first time in our history, we brought the best of Mexican cuisine to the United Kingdom with the Herdez® brand, through a joint alliance with McCormick & Company, Inc.

    We issued the first sustainability-linked bond in the food industry in Mexico, committing to reduce our water consumption per ton produced by 2030.

    We signed the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPS), reaffirming our commitment to gender equality.

    We joined the UN’s CFO Coalition for the SDGs, which drives the transformation of corporate finance to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda.

    We joined the Pacto por la Comida of the BAMX Network, an initiative that promotes more sustainable food production and consumption systems, with the goal of reducing Food Loss and Waste in the industry.

  • 2023: We consolidated the integration of Chilim Balam® into the Impulse segment portfolio, with which we positioned ourselves in the candy and snack category in the retail model.
