Over 100 years of experience and legacy
We are leaders in the processed food sector, and an important player in the ice cream category in Mexico as well as in the Mexican food segment in the United States.
To grow for another century, bringing to Mexicans the best of the world’s flavors, and offering to the world the best of Mexican food.
To place quality foods, beverages and products within the reach of consumers, under brands of growing prestige and value.
Our Values
The above is reflected in the quality of our products and services resulting from our work and, therefore, in the opinion that our clients and consumers have about us.
Our legacy

We established Compañía Comercial Herdez in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, as a distributor of toiletries and personal care products.

Don Ignacio Hernández del Castillo joins Compañía Comercial Herdez as Sales Manager, responsible for product imports and supplier relations.

The vision and optimism of Don Ignacio Hernández del Castillo led him to become the owner of the Company.

Enrique and Ignacio Hernández-Pons, sons of Don Ignacio, joined the Company to take...

We became one of the leading distribution companies in the country, marketing a wide variety of highly locally and internationally...

Enrique and Ignacio Hernández-Pons create our first owned line of products with the Herdez brand. We began to market canned mushrooms...

Enrique Hernández-Pons —“The Duke” of Herdez— took over the leadership of the Company, and along with his brother...

The plants in San Luis Potosi and Ensenada are inaugurated. We entered the apiculture business with the acquisition of the Miel Carlota honey plant...

We incorporated Grupo Herdez, S.A.B. de C.V., and we made our Initial Public Offering on the...

In association with Barilla, we established Barilla Mexico and we began to produce and market pasta in the Mexican market...

2010 - We entered into a partnership with Aires de Campo —a leading company in the marketing of organic products in Mexico....
Presence map
Detailed information
Planta Barilla | San Luis Potosí, SLP | 2002 | Pastas alimenticias | FSSC 22000v.5.1 ISO 22000:2018 ISO/TS 220021:2009 y requisitos adicionales. | 83,954 | 85% |
Planta McCormick Duque de Herdez | San Luis Potosí, SLP | 2005 | Aderezos, especias, jarabes, mayonesas, mermeladas, mieles, mostazas y té. | FSSC 22000 V5.1, C-T PAT ISO 50001:2018 | 99,039 | 58% |
Planta Herdez Villagrán | Villagrán, Gto. | 1995 | Deshidratación de chiles varios, mezclas y moliendas. | 28,609 | 32% |
Planta Helados | Lagos de Moreno, Jal. | 1972 | Helados, sorbetes, paletas, sándwiches, conos, copas, y postres congelados. | FSSC 22000v5.1, ISO 22000:2018, ISO/TS 220021:2009, FDA bajo requisitos de FSMA, Cadena de custodia de UTZ Industria Limpia, Industria Segura, ISO 50001:2018 ISO 14001:2015 ISO 45001:2018 | 71,345 | 36% |
Planta San Luis Av. Industrias | San Luis Potosí, SLP. | 1980 | Moles, jugo de 8 verduras, vinagres, nopales con jalapeño, salsas y salsas picantes. | FSSC 22000, C-TPAT, KOSHER y COSTCO | 116,790 | 52% |
Planta Intercafé | Oaxaca, Oax. | 1988 | Café. | Safety Quality Food Ed.9. | 3,429 | 74% |
Planta México | Cuautitlán, Edo. Méx. | 2013 | Mayonesas, aderezos y mostazas. | Certificación FSSC 22000 ISO 50001:2018 | 183,890 | 71% |
Planta Chalco | Chalco, Edo. Méx. | 2010 | Helado de yogurt y productos naturales (cereales, granolas y toppings). | Industria Limpia, FSSC 22000 V5 (Enero 2022). | 29,000 | 26% |
Planta Sabinas 1 | Sabinas, Coah. | 2010 | Aguacate para productos terminados de exportación y salsas. | Safety Quality Food Ed.9, Orgánico, Kosher, Halal, OEA | 11,796 | 83% |
Planta Sabinas 2 | Sabinas, Coah. | 2000 | Aguacate para productos terminados de exportación y ventas nacionales a clientes institucionales. | Safety Quality Food Ed.9, Orgánico, Kosher, Halal, OEA | 47,186 | 83% |
Planta Santa Rosa Tomates | Los Mochis, Sin. | 1981 | Productos empacados derivados del tomate. | FSSC 22000, Versión 5.0, COFEPRIS y KOSHER. | 171,370 | 88% |
Planta Santa Rosa Vegetales | Los Mochis, Sin. | 2014 | Vegetales, salsas y chiles. | FSSC 22000, Versión 5.0, COFEPRIS y KOSHER | 129,963 | 39% |
Interdeli | Querétaro, Querétaro | 2000 | Jocoque, Yogurt Griego, Quesos frescos de Leche de cabra y Vaca, Mozzarella, Brie, Requesón. | Safety Quality Food Ed.9, Kosher | 3,250 | 55% |
Deli, Dips & Snacks | Querétaro, Querétaro | 2016 | Pan Pita de harina de trigo, dips de garbanzo y ajonjolí, Tortillas y Tostadas a base de Nopal y Maíz | Safety Quality Food Ed.9, Kosher | 5,250 | 52% |
Planta Dallas | Dallas, Texas. (E.E.U.U.) | 1996 | Alimentos mexicanos congelados listos para servir. | Safety Quality Foody HACCP. | 25,990 | 87% |
Conservas | Congelados | |
Ahuizotla, Ciudad de México | 12,000 | – |
Cuautitlán, Estado de México | 37.440 | – |
Cancún, Quintana Roo | 500 | – |
Chalco, Estado de México | – | 2,526 |
Culiacán, Sinaloa | – | 63 |
Dallas, Texas, Estados Unidos | 10,730 | – |
Guadalajara, Jalisco | 9,443 | – |
Industrial Vallejo, Estado de México | – | 2,000 |
Mérida, Yucatán | 4,376 | 150 |
Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco | – | 4,774 |
Los Mochis, Sinaloa | 32,100 | – |
Monterrey, Nuevo León | 7,472 | 256 |
Oaxaca, Oaxaca | – | 30 |
Puebla, Puebla | – | 90 |
Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco | – | 78 |
Saginaw, Texas, Estados Unidos | 796 | – |
San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí | 39,375 | – |
San Martín Obispo, Estado de México | 12,000 | – |
Villahermosa, Tabasco | 6,000 | 130 |
Tijuana, Baja California | 3.391 | 162 |