We are focused on promoting inclusion, diversity, and equality of opportunity while creating quality jobs.
Gender Equality

Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) signatory
We signed the United Nations (UN) Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), which have the objective of encouraging companies to promote gender equality and empower women in the workplace, the market, and in communities through a methodology based on 7 principles.

Semillero Nutrisa
With the aim of promoting equal access to business opportunities for female entrepreneurs in Mexico, Grupo Herdez, Nutrisa and Victoria147 joined forces to launch the Semillero Nutrisa project. Through this initiative, we grant scholarships to entrepreneurs in the food, beverage and personal care sectors in a training program for the strategic and sustainable development of their businesses.
During the program, executives from Grupo Herdez provide mentoring to entrepreneurs on key issues such as: customer experience, finances, supply chain, projection, marketing, legal, tax, quality and product presentation.
At the end of the program, the entrepreneurs enter an evaluation process to become potential suppliers of the company.
Between 2019 and 2022 33 entrepeneurs were trained in this program.

Diversity and Inclusion
We concluded the first Diagnosis of Diversity and Inclusion in which 72% of the collaborators participated.
This diagnosis consisted in an online employee survey, focus groups and interviews with Group leaders. The results will allow us to enhance our strengths and promote actions to generate an environment free of discrimination and with equal opportunities for all the people who make up our team.

Éntrale: Alliance for labor inclusion of people with disabilities
For the purpose of promoting labor inclusion of people with disabilities, as of 2017, we are part of the “Éntrale” alliance promoted by the Consejo Mexicano de Negocios, with the purpose of creating an inclusive labor environment for people with disabilities.

Lactation rooms
At Grupo Herdez we are committed to improving the working conditions of women as a mechanism for promoting gender equity, with the aim of achieving better performance and a lower rate of absenteeism among our collaborators.
In Mexico, only 1 in 10 women can exercise her right to breastfeeding. This is why we have lactation rooms in 66% of our spaces, where our collaborators can extract and store breast milk, to later take it to where their babies are.
This project includes the installation of a lactation room for each corporate office location and each of our plants.
Our lactation rooms meet the specifications of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and UNICEF. They are hygienic, private spaces, easily accessible and equipped to be used by one user at a time.
Decent Work and Economic Growth

Mexicanos activos
As part of our plan to strengthen the corporate culture of Grupo Herdez, in 2018 we expanded our #SomosSaludables health program. The main purpose is improving health habits and promoting activities under three axes:
- I become active
- I prevent
- I take care of myself
In 2018, we entered into our alliance with Mexicanos Activos, a nonprofit that promotes physical activation, for the purpose of creating awareness for our collaborators on the importance of being physically active.

Training and continuous development
We are aware that, in order to achieve organic and continuous growth, it is essential to constantly develop the skills and aptitudes of our employees. Year after year, we promote their development through communication, feedback and recognition plans.
In 2022, more than 1,380 employees were trained as internal trainers and/or mentors, who developed and strengthened various skills to transmit their knowledge and experience to other members of the organization through the “Formador de Formadores” program. The purpose of this program is for our own employees to provide technical and institutional knowledge courses to other members of the Group.
We were able to share technical and institutional knowledge in more than 4,600 training events throughout the year, benefiting more than 7,000 employees.
In total, 261,982.47 hours of training were provided in 2022.
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Health and Safety
The Environmental Control, Safety and Hygiene (CASH) area maintains a culture of prevention, caring for the integrity of people and guaranteeing business continuity. In our operating areas, we have medical service personnel in charge of tours, where we seek to identify any unsafe conditions and prevent all types of accidents. Thanks to this work, we had 9.8% fewer lost days* and reduced the number of accidents and absenteeism.
*The data presented here does not include sales route personnel.

Value Chain
We are committed to the development of the Mexican countryside, supporting local suppliers with long-term agreements. Their experience, combined with our best practices, guarantee our consumers unique products on the market and of the highest quality.
93.5% of our raw materials come from local suppliers, and the remaining 6.5% corresponds to foreign suppliers. In the case of packaging material, 97.2% of our purchases are local, and 2.8% is supplied by foreign suppliers.
In order to be present in Mexican homes and ensure that all our products reach the consumers’ table on time with the quality that characterizes us, it is essential to establish relationships of mutual value with our business partners and share with them the same sense of responsibility.
We reinforce this commitment with the creation of a sustainable supply chain through the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, which contains clauses on human rights, corruption, and labor and environmental standards, which are mandatory in each of our contracts.

Ethics and Transparency
At Grupo Herdez we work in strict adherence to the principles of legality, which have governed our practices and values as a company for more than 100 years.
Our Code of Ethics adheres to the laws and regulations of the places where we operate, and it applies to all personnel, and all of our business relations. It also contains clauses on the following
- Prohibition on conflicts of interest.
- Absolute rejection of any form of bribery, discrimination, and harassment.
- Fair negotiation with customers, vendors, competitors, and employees.
- Neutrality in politics and religion, and prohibition regarding donations to political parties.
- Absolute confidentiality of whistleblowers. (CONFIANZA Trust line).
Additionally, we have codes and policies that reinforce our culture of legality and good corporate practices.