
We are adopting measures to reduce our water and environmental footprint, ensuring adequate resource management and betting on ecological balance.

   Clean Water and Sanitation

Disminución de consumo de agua en nuestros procesos Grupo Herdez

Water Performance

Water is a fundamental and highly consumed resource in our production processes. For this reason, year after year we worry about conserving and reducing the consumption of this important resource.

In 2022 we had an decrease in water consumption referred to absolute m3 of 3.0% due to an increase in production which demanded a greater number of washings, the startup of new production lines, and changes in the production formats in the Barilla and Herdez Plant in San Luis Potosí, and Ice Cream Plant in Jalisco.

The total volume of water discharges decreased 2.4% in absolute m3 due to less water consumption in our operations.

   Responsible Production and Consumption

Pact for Food (Pacto por la Comida)

The Pact for Food of the Mexican Food Bank Network (Red BAMX) is a voluntary agreement that brings together companies and organizations along the food chain – from producers to consumers – to make food and beverage production and consumption systems more sustainable and thus avoid Food Waste.

The aim of the project is to contribute to a 50.0% prevention of Food Waste in Mexico within the next 10 years, by providing advice on the processes applied by member companies and organizations to improve the efficiency of food management in the value chain.

For a More Lively World

For a more lively world is a movement supported by the Herdez brand, which integrates actions, advice and initiatives that promote responsible consumption habits for the conservation of the planet.

Through this platform, we have carried out various initiatives that have not only helped us grow in brand loyalty and increase net sales in the first half of 2018, but have also allowed us to contribute to improving environmental conditions, through of promoting the culture of recycling and reusing cans, as well as raising awareness about marine ecosystems through beach cleaning throughout 2021.

The initiatives promoted by Grupo Herdez, through the Herdez brand, focus on:

    • Let’s light up homes

+ than 3 communities in the southeast of the country benefited

+ 100 inhabitants have 12 clean energy systems

  • Beach cleaning

This year we reactivated the beach cleaning initiative, achieving the participation of: 875 volunteers to clean 8 beaches, recover 2,900 kg of trash, +7,000 cigarette butts, and 49 tons of seaweed that will be transformed into organic fertilizer.

  • Recycling machines

This year we recovered and recycled 2.4 Tn of tin that was used to produce crop systems, with which we promote sustainability in schools from rural communities.

  • For a brighter future

Through the Por Un Mundo Más Vivo® platform we collected 54,078 Tetrapak® containers (equivalent to 1.7 Tn of material) with which we produced and donated 30 school desks, one desk, and one chair from recycled material for the Middle School of the Santa Elena Community in Comanja de Corona (Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco).

Reciclaje estrategia de sustentabilidad Grupo Herdez


In 2022, we consumed materials in 3 categories: agricultural raw materials, non-perishable raw materials, and packaging materials (non-renewable and renewable). 93.5% of raw materials suppliers are domestic.

10.25% of the total materials acquired are recycled: corrugated cardboard in small boxes, boxes, and trays.

This year, we reduced the generation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste by 3.0% with respect to last year. 84.3% of this waste was recycled.

   Climate Action

Programa de agricultura sustentable Grupo Herdez

Agriculture Sustainability Program

To guarantee the quality and safety of all the products we sell, collaboration with our suppliers throughout our value chain is key. Their experience, combined with our best practices, guarantee our consumers unique products on the market and of the highest quality.

  • The Sustainable Agriculture Program evaluates suppliers every 6 months, complying with the decalogue check list. At the end of the 2022 cycle, there were 31 suppliers evaluated. 30 of the 31 providers comply with the program.
  • Of our total agricultural suppliers, the percentage of compliance with Good Use and Management of Agrochemicals is 94.2%, 4.2% higher than the previous year.
  • The evaluation program for the level of progress in sustainability began for 100 of our main suppliers in alliance with IKUS. The goal for 2025 is to guarantee a supply chain with sustainable criteria in at least 70% of purchases.
  • Aires de Campo, in alliance with other producers, planted 800 hectares of organic crops, promoting soil restoration and avoiding contamination with agrochemicals


Certificación Industria Limpia localidades Grupo Herdez

Environmental Management

Without natural resources, Grupo Herdez could not exist. Therefore, it is crucial to work under a sustainability system that enables us to anticipate and manage the impacts derived from environmental changes to guarantee sustained growth in our operations.

Each of our business units has change agents that, jointly with other departments of the company and our stakeholders, design strategies, directives, and policies focused on generating actions that favor environmental care and protection; this way, we promote a culture of respect, care, and synergy that allows us to overcome the climate, social, and political change that we face on a yearly basis.

Our plants submit to internal and external audits under the terms of reference of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (Produraduría Federal de Protección Ambiental (PROFEPA)); with this, we have been able to obtain and ratify the Clean Industry Certification (Certificación de Industria Limpia) in two of our plants. Also, our qualified personnel is in charge of the execution and report of the actions and performance indicators of their city.

   Affordable and clean energy

Uso de combustibles con menor impacto ambiental Grupo Herdez

Energy and emissions

We are committed to generate actions to reduce our environmental footprint, using energy resources efficiently and prioritizing the use of fuels with less environmental impact.

In 2018, at Grupo Herdez we inaugurated the Cogeneration Project at the El Duque Industrial Complex in San Luis Potosí, where one of the Company’s most important industrial complexes is located, with which we generate electrical and thermal energy and comply with the SDG 7 (Affordable and non-polluting energy), as well as SDG 13 (Climate action), by prioritizing the use of fuels with less environmental impact and the consumption of electricity from cleaner sources. In 2022, energy consumption from clean sources was 72.6%.

– Renewable energy (Wind): 49.5%

– Clean Energy (Cogeneration): 23.1%



  • 2020: We launched the first edition of Semillero Nutrisa. Together with Nutrisa and the Victoria147 business academy for women, we invited women entrepreneurs to participate in a training program to improve the management of their businesses and have the potential to become part of our supply chain.

We established our first technological alliance with Google, which will allow us to accelerate the digital transformation of Grupo Herdez through the use of Google Cloud Platform tools such as BigQuery ML, Looker, among others.

Through the Herdez® brand and Aires de Campo® we joined the “Sowing a New Normality” initiative, promoted by the civil society organizations Ríos Tarango and Ectágono, which aims to increase the vegetation cover of the environmentally valuable area Barranca de Tarango.

  • 2021: We developed the Group’s second proprietary e-commerce platform, with the Nutrisa® online store.

We updated the apps through which we manage the loyalty programs of our retail brands, Cielito Querido Café® and Nutrisa®, improving our customers’ in-store experience.

During the year, 15 formulas had their nutritional profile strengthened by reducing some critical added nutrients (sugars, sodium and saturated fats).

  • 2022: We expanded our capabilities into new categories through the acquisition of Interdeli and Deli, Dips & Snacks. Integrating brands such as Libanius, Flaveur, Liguria and Señor Cactus into our portfolio.

We Issued the first sustainability bond through which we
committed to a 25% reduction in our water consumption.

Together with our partner McCormick & Company, Inc. we
brought the most iconic Mexican cuisine to the tables of the United Kingdom
through meal kits, sauces and condiments under the Herdez® brand.
  In less than a year, we obtained a 5.5% shelf
share in the Tesco supermarket chain.

We consolidated the integration of Chilim Balam® into retail brands, a leading brand in the snack segment

