Terms and Conditions


Please read our Legal Terms and Conditions carefully, as the same regulate access to, and usage by the users (hereinafter, the User or Users) of, the website of Grupo Herdez, S.A.B. de C.V. (hereinafter, Grupo Herdez), the domain name of which is www.grupoherdez.com.mx, and/or affiliates, and/or subsidiaries, and/or any page and/or application of the brands belonging to Grupo Herdez to which the Users may be redirected through the Website, since access to, and usage of, such Website confers User status and represents the understanding and acceptance of the Legal Terms and Conditions herein.

You are accessing the Grupo Herdez Website . This Website may be freely visited by any User only and exclusively for personal uses. The term User refers to any individual or legal entity that holds legal powers and accesses or has accessed this Website; therefore, those individuals or legal entities are subject to these Legal Terms and Conditions.

The purpose of the content appearing on the Website  is providing Users with information allowing them to know, in a general, data related to Grupo Herdez, its affiliates, and/or subsidiaries; therefore, there is no guarantee that the Information appearing on this Website will meet the accuracy, detail, or precision requirements that a User might deem relevant. Consequently, the content has information purposes only and, therefore, each User will interpret said information individually.

Grupo Herdez does not assume any liability if the Information available on this Website is not accurate or complete, and reserves the right to amend the Information, content, and/or images appearing on the Website at any time, without prior notice to the User, including these Legal Terms and Conditions. Modifications will be effective as soon as the same are made or added to the Website.

The User undertakes to use the Website, its contents, and/or services in a diligent manner and pursuant to these Legal Terms and Conditions, the Law, good morals, public order, and good customs.

Grupo Herdez reserves an absolute right to deny or withdraw access to the Website and/or the services contained in the same at any time, without prior notice to the User breaching the provisions set forth in these Legal Terms and Conditions.

The Information found on this Website is related to the products and exclusive Information in Mexico; therefore, this Website should be deemed only as a visit Website for Users in any other part of the world. Due to the foregoing, the Information and contents appearing on the Website apply within the whole of Mexico.

When accessing this Website, the User accepts and acknowledges that Grupo Herdez is not responsible for any connection failure, interruption, fault, or disabling of the Website deriving from causes not attributable to Grupo Herdez. Similarly, Grupo Herdez will not be responsible for technical failures of any kind, including damages on personal computer equipment related to, or resulting from, access to the Website or experiments or appreciation of the materials related to the same, due to non-authorized human intervention, delays, distortions, or interferences in phone or computer transmissions, or other errors of any kind, whether human, electronic, or mechanic. In the same vein, Grupo Herdez will have no responsibility for any loss caused by a virus that may infect your computer or any other belonging when using, accessing, or downloading any material from this Website. If the User chooses to download materials from the Website , the relevant download will always be at their own risk.

Grupo Herdez reserves the right to restrict, end, or cancel access to this Website to any User trying to willfully damage or alter the Website or any of its sections, or trying to ruin, modify, or hinder the legal operation of the Website. Since such an attempt constitutes a breach of Federal and Local Laws, Grupo Herdez also reserves the right to take civil and/or criminal actions, and/or any other in order to demand that damages be cured and that a relevant compensation for Damages be granted.

All information (including, without limitation, Images, Videos, Texts, trademarks, Products, Advertisements, Domain Names and Designs, Reports, Policies, Press Releases, History of Grupo Herdez, and similar materials — referred to as “Information“) appearing on this Website may belong to Grupo Herdez, holders, and/or licensees, on the understanding that such Information is protected by international covenants and Mexican intellectual and industrial property laws.

No content appearing on this Website must be constructed as granting a license or right to use the Information shown; therefore, neither the Information  nor the content of the Website may be used or reproduced, neither in whole nor in part.

The Website may or may not contain a blog or forum section in which several issues related to the activity of Grupo Herdez may be presented. Consequently, Grupo Herdez will only act as moderator in such blog or forum, and User opinions, comments, and/or posts will reflect their opinions and/or criteria only; therefore, Grupo Herdez will be not responsible for the same. Notwithstanding, Grupo Herdez reserves the right to erase offensive, vulgar, and racists comments, or any other that may offend other people, Grupo Herdez, and/or its brands.

Recomendamos incluir la leyenda “Consulte los Términos y Condiciones Legales” en todas las secciones.

Asimismo, recomendamos agregar las siguientes leyendas las secciones mencionadas:

Secciones HISTORIA, PRODUCTOS, RECETAS, NOTICIAS, ¿SABÍAS QUE? y demás relativas: “El contenido es de índole informativo y se deja a criterio del Usuario, la interpretación que dé a dicho contenido.»

Sección de CONTACTO: “Grupo Herdez se reserva el derecho de responder o no al Usuario, respecto de la información solicitada, en relación a su importancia y/o secrecía.” (independiente de lo correspondiente al Aviso de Privacidad)

Sección de BLOG: “Los comentarios aquí expresados reflejan las opiniones y/o criterios de quien los emite, por lo que Grupo Herdez se exime de los mismos.»



  • 2020: In collaboration with La Costeña® and Sanfer®, we delivered 35,000 basic food baskets to benefit more than 175,000 Mexicans affected by the COVID-19 health contingency.

    We launched the first edition of Semillero Nutrisa®, a program to support Mexican women entrepreneurs to participate in a training and business development program.

  • 2021: We became the first consumer company in Latin America to partner with Google, a global technology giant, to accelerate our digital transformation. 

    We signed an agreement with the American company General Mills® to distribute their products in Mexico, with which we entered the categories of cereal bars and prepared dessert flours.

    We celebrated the 80th anniversary of Doña María® mole with the inauguration of Casa Doña María Pons, headquarters of Fundación Herdez® in San Luis Potosí.

    We were placed in the report “Mexican Companies for the 2030 Agenda in the Decade of Action” of the Global Compact, for the actions of the Saber Nutrir® program as a reference practice to achieve Zero Hunger, one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.

  • 2022: We acquired Interdeli and Deli, Dips & Snacks, expanding our capabilities to new categories such as hummus, cheeses, and dips, integrating brands such as Libanius, Flaveur, Liguria, and Señor Cactus into our portfolio.

    For the first time in our history, we brought the best of Mexican cuisine to the United Kingdom with the Herdez® brand, through a joint alliance with McCormick & Company, Inc.

    We issued the first sustainability-linked bond in the food industry in Mexico, committing to reduce our water consumption per ton produced by 2030.

    We signed the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPS), reaffirming our commitment to gender equality.

    We joined the UN’s CFO Coalition for the SDGs, which drives the transformation of corporate finance to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda.

    We joined the Pacto por la Comida of the BAMX Network, an initiative that promotes more sustainable food production and consumption systems, with the goal of reducing Food Loss and Waste in the industry.

  • 2023: We consolidated the integration of Chilim Balam® into the Impulse segment portfolio, with which we positioned ourselves in the candy and snack category in the retail model.
