For the third consecutive year, Grupo Herdez is recognized for its good practices with a social dimension by the Institute for the Promotion of Quality.

Mexico City, February 20, 2024.- Grupo Herdez, the food company with the longest history in the country, is recognized within the Exceptional Companies contest of the Institute for the Promotion of Quality in its 2023 edition. This year received the distinction of “Good Practice” in the category of Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for the issuance of the first bond linked to the sustainability of the food industry on the Mexican Stock Exchange.

In 2022, Grupo Herdez placed $3,000 million pesos in Stock Certificates with the commitment to reduce its water consumption per ton produced by 25% by 2030. The company has been recognized as an Exceptional Company since 2021, with award-winning practices such as Semillero Nutrisa, that promotes female entrepreneurship and promotes equal opportunities; for its sustainability strategy with a focus on food safety, and the successful digital transformation with which it has optimized its supply chain through predictive models with artificial intelligence.

Andrea Amozurrutia, Director of Finance and Sustainability of Grupo Herdez, said in this regard: “At Grupo Herdez we believe that, to ensure the permanence of our business, it is vital that our sustainability strategy is supported by the financial strategy. This recognition encourages us to continue incorporating initiatives that promote sustainable businesses.”

The Exceptional Companies recognition is an initiative of the Business Coordinating Council, the Communication Council and the Institute for the Promotion of Quality, which promotes, develops and highlights the social, environmental and economic dimension of companies.

The Institute for the Promotion of Quality is an internationally leading organization dedicated to promoting quality in all areas of the industry. Its mission is to distinguish companies that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to quality in their products and services, which at the same time act as exemplary models for other organizations.

For more information about Grupo Herdez and its products, visit the website at



  • 2020: We launched the first edition of Semillero Nutrisa. Together with Nutrisa and the Victoria147 business academy for women, we invited women entrepreneurs to participate in a training program to improve the management of their businesses and have the potential to become part of our supply chain.

We established our first technological alliance with Google, which will allow us to accelerate the digital transformation of Grupo Herdez through the use of Google Cloud Platform tools such as BigQuery ML, Looker, among others.

Through the Herdez® brand and Aires de Campo® we joined the “Sowing a New Normality” initiative, promoted by the civil society organizations Ríos Tarango and Ectágono, which aims to increase the vegetation cover of the environmentally valuable area Barranca de Tarango.

  • 2021: We developed the Group’s second proprietary e-commerce platform, with the Nutrisa® online store.

We updated the apps through which we manage the loyalty programs of our retail brands, Cielito Querido Café® and Nutrisa®, improving our customers’ in-store experience.

During the year, 15 formulas had their nutritional profile strengthened by reducing some critical added nutrients (sugars, sodium and saturated fats).

  • 2022: We expanded our capabilities into new categories through the acquisition of Interdeli and Deli, Dips & Snacks. Integrating brands such as Libanius, Flaveur, Liguria and Señor Cactus into our portfolio.

We Issued the first sustainability bond through which we
committed to a 25% reduction in our water consumption.

Together with our partner McCormick & Company, Inc. we
brought the most iconic Mexican cuisine to the tables of the United Kingdom
through meal kits, sauces and condiments under the Herdez® brand.
  In less than a year, we obtained a 5.5% shelf
share in the Tesco supermarket chain.

We consolidated the integration of Chilim Balam® into retail brands, a leading brand in the snack segment

